How To Create Digital Bokeh Wallpaper In Photoshop-Photoshop Tutorial

How To Create Digital Bokeh Wallpaper In Photoshop
Digital Bokeh Wallpaper

One of the cool thing of photoshop that you can create a digital bokeh wallpaper which is looks very nice.Bokeh springs from japanes word "Boke" which implies blur or haze.

In today's tutorial we are going to create Digital Bokeh Wallpaper-Photoshop Tutorial

In this tutorial we will learn about How to Digital Bokeh Wallpaper-Photoshop Tutorial

About The Tutorial

1) Software we need-Adobe Photoshop CC

2) Estimated Time-(Approx)-10 minutes

3) Difficulty facing-To create a bokeh wallpaper effect in photoshop

4) Topics we covered- create car gaussian blur effect in photoshop,use brush tool,how to use gradient color in photoshop

Similar Tutorials From other websites (You can watch)

1) Awesome digital bokeh effect in Photoshop from abduzeedo

2)How to Create Your Own Custom Bokeh Wallpaper in Photoshop from howtogeek

Some necessary tips & Tricks we used to create the tutorial

1) Firstly I create a new document(width-1280px,height-720px) and fill the document with gradient color.

2) Then duplicate the layer by hitting "ctrl+J" with your keyboard on your computer and then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur(Radious-174.6px).

3) Now create a new blank layer and go to select hard brush.(keep your mind that your foreground color of photoshop is to be selected with white color)

4) Now adjust the brush as you desired with the help of brush panel

5) Now apply the brush on a background with opacity-71% and blend mode with "Overlay".Now apply Blur effect(go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur).

6) Now I create a new blank layer and apply the brush on that background which I created previously.(set the layer opacity-75%,blend mode-"overlay"and apply blur effect with radious-2.7px)

7) Now create a new blank layer and apply the same brush on that background again.(This time set the layer opacity-79%,blend mode-"overlay"and apply blur effect with radious-0.5px)

8) Now bokeh wallpaper is ready.

Watch in Details about How We Made the Tutorial Exactly, you can watch the video

Conclusion- This tutorial presents a basic idea about gaussian Blur and How to perfectly use it in photoshop. We used only gradient to digital bokeh wallpaper. I hope with the help of above tutorial you will to able to create that type of effect very professionally.

If you faced some problem regarding this tutorial you can contact me via contact us.

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Hi my name is Sangita Gupta From India and I love everything about Photoshop and Illustrator Editing.
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